Annual Events
Cookies in the Park
Families gather at Taylor Park after school for parents to socialize and students to play. Cookies are available as a fundraiser.
Graduation and Crossover
While our sixth grade students are the center of our graduation service and ceremony, all classes perform for our graduates and participate in the moving “Crossover” portion of the service. Students move from their current grade to the grade “across the aisle” to celebrate their promotion. Sixth graders are then honored as they graduate from the Academy.
Sixth Grade Valentine's Dance
Our sixth graders and their parents are honored on this day by the entire community. Each class sings and plays musical instruments and then our students dance with their parents while enjoying light refreshments. Love is all around!
Holiday Shop
PTF sets up Santa’s workshop in Thursby Hall during the holidays. Students are able to purchase and wrap presents to give to their loved ones during the holiday season.
All Saint's Day
All Saint’s Chapel is a special time to remember and commemorate all our loved ones we no longer see. We say special prayers and sing songs specifically dedicated to all saints, known and unknown.
Spooky Science Day
One of the favorite days of the year, students enjoy spooky science experiments, led by our sixth grade students. It is hands on science immersion at its best!
Alumni Day
St. Mark’s alumni are invited to return to St. Mark’s for a special morning chapel to celebrate them and to see old friends.
Field Day
Following May Day, students enjoy a day of fun and games together. Water games, tug of war, sack races, and the annual favorite, the adult/student dodge ball competition, are just a few of the activities the students enjoy.
Grandparent's Day
Grandparents and grandfriends are invited to St. Mark’s for a special chapel performance by our students dedicated to our favorite group of people! After chapel, grandparents and grandfriends enjoy breakfast with each other and classroom time with their grandchildren.
Storybook Dress Up
To celebrate Quality Literature month, our students come to school dressed as a character from one of their favorite books. Students introduce themselves in chapel as that character and present their book for all to enjoy
Chapel Presentations
Each Wednesday, our classes take turns providing our community with a creative and high energy way to share something they have learned. This is a not to be missed opportunity to see our students engage in public speaking and sharpen their presentation skills in a very entertaining and relevant way.
Blessing of the Animals
In celebration of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, students and parents gather in the Garth with beloved family pets so they can be blessed by Mother Sara Oxley. Photos of pets and stuffed animals are welcome as well.
River KidZ Events
St. Mark's hosts four River Kidz events per year to teach children about the Indian River Lagoon.
May Day
The wrapping of the May Pole has been a St. Mark’s Episcopal Academy tradition since its inception in 1956. All classes dance around the May Pole while the 6th grade class has the honor to wrap the pole with brightly colored ribbon signifying the start of spring.
Advent in Song
Advent is the time of year when we are awaiting the arrival of baby Jesus. All classes participate in this moving and inspirational service to sing songs and say prayers specifically dedicated to this time of year. It is a perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit.
Veteran's Day Chapel
Our sixth grade students organize a special chapel devoted to celebrating and thanking members of our armed forces. Students welcome our veterans who share stories about their time in the service to our country with our community.
Nativity Pagent
Our students perform the nativity story, birth of Jesus